How can LogNow assist residents in the City of Joburg?

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How can LogNow assist residents in the City of Joburg?

The City of Johannesburg relies on its residents to log service delivery issues so that the relevant entity can attend to them. If issues are not logged on the City’s service delivery systems then the entities will not be aware of the issues or breakdowns.

The only way the city can be made aware of issues is for residents to notify the city.

For example –

  • Faulty street lights,
  • Burst pipes
  • Water leaks
  • Illegal Dumping
  • Fallen trees
  • Blocked storm water drains
  • Potholes
  • Missing street signs
  • Uncut grass

As active citizens that live, work and play in the City of Johannesburg you need to get involved and Log. That way you can hold the local government officials accountable for service delivery.

What do councillors do?

Briefly councillors serve as the interface between the citizens they represent and the municipal officials who design and implement development polices. The councillor’s job is not just to serve as the voice of the people, for the expression of their community needs, but also to act as a watchdog and to ensure that the municipality implements policies to address the needs of citizens. Councillors do not log issues on a residents behalf.

Come on board and use LogNow to become involved in civic activities and lets become all become proactive citizens.


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