City of Johannesburg Expanded Social Package
As a pro poor government the City is offering the Expanded Social Package (ESP) to its most vulnerable residents such as the unemployed, displaced persons, senior citizens, persons with disabilities and women and children. The ESP is a basket of benefits which the City allocates to poor individuals and the households in which they live, based on their level of poverty. Currently these are subsidies for metered service benefits that is water and electricity and non- metered services that is rates, sanitation and refuse removal. The system also refers citizens who register to a range of other social programmes based on their specific problems and needs such as skills development, social service interventions, food resilience, youth programmes and intervention programmes for the homeless.
The conditions are as follows:
(i) The owners must own and occupy the property concerned, reside within the boundaries of the City of Joburg. Their individual monthly income should not exceed R5 852.28 (This changes annually on 01 November in line with the CPIX).
Greater than 35 points: 100% of the current monthly rate.
Pensioners (60years plus) who own property valued under R2.5million qualify for rates, sewer and refuse removal rebates. Working age citizens (18-59 years) will also qualify for these rebates provided that they are registered account holders and the property value does not exceed R500 000.
Registration for the ESP is already open at most of the City’s revenue centres, some clinics, recreation and skills centres. Individuals are encouraged to register on or before the 15th of the month in order to receive benefits in the next month. It is critical that individuals re-register every six months for continuous benefits.
The system targets South African citizens living within the boundaries of Johannesburg with an income not exceeding R5825.28 per month. Certain documents are required for registration.
For information on the registration centres, log onto and click on the campaigns tab.
The City of Johannesburg is calling on all eligible individuals to register for ESP.
Pensioners on the Expanded Social Package
The current general valuation roll (GV2018) is valid effectively from the 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2022.
For more information on the Expanded Social Package registration process:
Expanded Social Package registration sites:Click here