Bin replacement

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Apply for bin replacement

Pikitup will only replace a damaged bin at no cost to the customer, but lost or stolen bins will only be replaced for free once in a bin’s useful life. The useful life span of a bin is eight (8) years.

Stolen Bin

In the case of a stolen bin, you will have to report the theft of your bin to your nearest police station and obtain a CAS  number. Before contacting the City’s Call Centre to make an application for a bin replacement have your municipal account number available. However, residents will be required to pay for the replacement bins. This process applies to both domestic and business customers.

Sectional title properties

Pikitup will provide bins equal to the lower number of units in the complex or bins equal to the space available to store bins on such properties. You may only apply for a bin if you are the managing agent of the property or the owner.

Where you are a tenant wishing to apply for a bin,  obtain a letter of authority from the owner or the managing agent of the property before your application for a replacement bin can be processed.

Payments should be made at the nearest walk-in-center and not through a commercial bank or electronic fund transfer (EFT) system.

Proof of payment, which must also indicate the

Ratepayer’s account number,

Must be faxed to 086-677-6682 or
011-712-5322 or
011-375-5555  Select Option 0

Keep your bin safe

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